Fleet Street Heritage Sundial - Public Consultation


Planning restrictions do not permit us to have any current titles on the sundial.

A full description of the sundial project is at www.fleetstreetheritagesundial.uk

The newspaper mastheads below are from the first issue and therefore out of copyright.


Our consultation will end on 10 June. The results will then be considered by an advisory panel including some representatives of current newspaper tirtles, and a final selection will be made in the light of design consideratins for the face of the sundial. These will then be forwarded to the City Planning authorities as required by our planning permission. The results will be posted on this webste when available.


Please chose the FOUR defunct newspaper mastheads you would most like to see on the sundial, IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE

Submit by Email to info@fshs.uk           

Put your name in the subject line,  put the newspapers you would like to appear on the sundial in order of preference (for example, Morning Post, Daily Sketch, News of the World, Daily Herald) as the message,
or,  if you prefer, put in the code letters alongside the box (for example,  D G B E)


or, print this form, mark your choices in the boxes  order as 1, 2, 3 and 4 and send it to:

 Piers Nicholson, 130 Cliffords Inn, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1BY



1930-1960           A      


1843-2011          B


 1865-1923                C


1772-1937                 D


1912-1965        E


   1930-1966 F


  1821-1959         G


  1909-1946              H